There are several ways by which you can get rid of excess body and facial hair:
The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) through its Center for Devices & Radiological Health regulates electrolysis equipment, lasers & other medical equipment. Amid the growing popularity of laser hair removal & the extravagant claims of manufacturers & clinics, the FDA reiterated its position that only electrolysis can permanently remove hair & warned laser clinics against making such claims.
Additionally, in up to 10% of laser clients, laser can actually stimulate hair growth. This is called Paradoxical Hypertrichosis.
The FDA Consumer Health Information Bulletin of 27 June 2007 states:
"The US. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recognizes electrology as providing permanent hair removal. The FDA identification in Title 21, CFR, Sec. 878.5350 for needle-type epilators is: "a device intended to remove the hair by destroying the dermal papilla of a hair" As no other device for hair removal has the unique identification of "destroying the dermal papilla of a hair" only electrologists are allowed to claim permanent hair removal in their advertising"
you can have issues like razor burns, irritation, redness,
ingrown hairs and 5 o'clock shadow (grey patches on shaved area).
Not to mention, it's d..a..i..l..y… for the rest of your life - a real time
sink in a busy schedule. It's not a permanent solution.
Laser can cause scarring & skin damage. It requires life long
top-ups because it's permanent hair reduction - not permanent hair removal.
Waxing isn't permanent & usually has to be done every 3 weeks. People who wax twice a month will spend an average of $40,000 over a lifetime... We'll just let that sink in.
Electrolysis is the ONLY method that: